Why is the Rum Always Gone?

This is just one of the great lines in a fantastic movie. If you loved the first movie, you will love the second one. I whole heartedly believe this is a movie that should be scene the first time on the big screen. There is nothing like sitting in a nice seat with a huge screen in front of you and unbelievable surround sound (the popcorn doesn't hurt either). The movie will still be good on a tv screen, but there's nothing like seeing a movie like this on a big screen first.
Why am I harping on this? Well, an old friend of mine (more of an aquaintence really) told me on messenger today that he hadn't seen the movie yet and all of his friends had. I told him to go by himself and enjoy. The idea of going to a movie by himself horrified him. He's perfectly content to wait until the DVD comes out.
WHAT?! He's not the first person to tell me that they are not comfortable going to a movie by themselves. I've seen half a dozen movies by myself and I told him. There is nothing wrong with going to a movie by yourself because A) Everyone has gone except you, B) You're bored and feel like seeing a movie without a group, or C) You don't want anyone else to know that you want to see this particular movie and go under the cover of darkness and a long black coat. I've gone to a movie for all 3 reasons.
I might go back to see Pirates 2 again and I will mostly likely go by myself since a certain other person is seeing it a second time WITHOUT ME.
But I digress. There is nothing wrong with going to a movie by yourself. You can sit where you want without having to accomodate someone's weird genetic quirks, you can get your food and immediately sit down without having to wait for someone else, you can get to the theatre when you want, leave when you're ready, etc.
I'm wondering now why I don't go to more movies by myself....
Just saw it tonite. Another fabulous performance by Johnny.
I have to say in the scene where Captain Sparrow says to the crew "Gentlemen, what do keys do?", I had a flashback to Monty Python and the Holy Grail and the scene where they are trying to determine if the girl is a witch or not. "what do you do with witches?" Ok. maybe it was just me.
I also liked the line: It's a mythological creature, I can calls it what I wants!
It was just an awesome movie all around.
My favorite line...
Elizabeth: A moment will come when you will do the right thing.
Sparrow: I LOVE those moments. I love to wave at them as they pass me by.
Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.
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