Bloody computers!!!!

Technology is out to get me. I fought with my cell phone last week. It would send calls directly to my voice mail. Or it would drop the call. Or switch to
This week it's my pc. Thanks to the electrical storm earlier in the week, my 'puter got zapped and I spent 3 hours one night just tring to coax my machine to turn on. Once I got it on, I was trying to get it to STAY on. It kept rebooting itself every 10 minutes or so and then freezing during the reboot process. For awhile, I got the 'puter to stay on and was actually doing a few things. But when I go to get on the cannot connect!!!
I'm ready to tear my hair out at this point. So I call Rogers and the short story modem is working but it looks like my Network Card isn't. Bloody hell. Last year, I replaced my motherboard, chip, power supply, and RAM because they'd all been friend. Now my NETWORK CARD is fried??? The only thing that hasn't blown up yet is my hard drive (knock wood).
So I send my pc to the shop. Turns out I need a new Power Supply (my third with this pc) and my Network Card isn't fried (thank the merciful lord) but the ethernet port probably is. So, I dig around in my emergency box and find a USB cable that I can use instead. That works.
I'm beginning to think my troubles are over (Oh, naive little child). This morning I get up and go to my pc (which now has new computer smell thanks to the new power supply) and find that my lovely pc has rebooted itself YET AGAIN during the night. I don't know if that is a fluke situation but it makes me nervous. I can't help but wonder if my pc is still planning on dying on me. I don't want to spend my more $$ on this thing. Although, if you added up all the money I spent last year and this year...I have a new pc. The only thing that isn't new in my pc right now is my hard drive (which deserves a medal for all the hell it's gone through) and my burner.
In closing I just have 2 words to say: BLOODY COMPUTERS!!!!!
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