The Nosy, Spotted One Must Die!

First off, let me say that I love my sister's cats. She has 3 of them (Sasha, Sami, and Magic). And I've cat sat for all of them since they were kittens. I've fed them, brushed them, given them meds, cleaned the kitty litter, cleaned up furballs and cleaned up kitty puke. I've done it all...or so I thought.
My sister moved to a new house a couple of months ago and the two oldest cats have adapted quite well. The youngest (Magic, the one pictured) isn't adjusting as well. The kitty litter is in the basement and she is afraid of the basement for some reason. So my sister and her husband have been carrying Magic down to the basement so she can go the bathroom and staying down there with her while she does. So, when I went to cat sit this week, I resigned myself to the fact that I would have to help a 5 year old cat go potty. (Worse than kids I tell you)
But she was doing well. I even saw her go use the kitty litter. So I started to relax. Everything was ok. One day I did screw up and left my faux-leather purse where she could reach it and she kind of clawed it up a bit. I was upset but it was my fault.
Then this morning. Well. I actually slept through the night in the new house and woke around 6:20 to the cats trying to get me up to feed them. I was about to do that when Magic jumped in my suitcase (more of a shoulder bag and it goes with me everywhere) and started acting silly. She's done this before so I didn't think anything of it. Then I realize she's sitting a strange way. I'm like, "Magic...what are you doing?"
And then I start to panic. She jumps out of my shoulder bag and the smell hits me. SHE PEED IN MY SHOULDER BAG! Thankfully my clothes weren't in it (THANK GOD!) but I had a pair of socks and underwear in there. I get them out and set them to soak in the sink...I then start to try to mop up the kitty pee. Ugh. That was nasty. But the smell is still there. Magic wisely took off cuz I might have sent her flying through the window. This is my favorite overnight bag. It goes with me EVERYWHERE. Fredericton, the lake, over night to cat sit. If I can't get the smell out of it, I'll have to throw it out and that will break my heart.
So, if anyone knows how to get the smell of cat pee out of a suitcase, please let me know. I don't want to have to put dress clothes (or any clothes for that matter) in a kitty pee smelling suitcase.
I could've killed the spotted one. I thought about it. Donna told me not to leave any plastic bags on the floor cuz she was peeing in them. But my bag is not plastic and I had been zipping it up all week but this never occured to me. She was using the kitty litter and she hadn't even LOOKED at my shoulder bag all week....
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