Marriage! Bah!

Ok. First off, let me say that I'm sure marriage is a wonderful institution (well, as wonderful as something called an 'institution' can be). But I am so VERY SICK AND TIRED OF PEOPLE ASKING ME WHEN I'M GETTING MARRIED!!!!!
I am not getting married any time in the near future. Just because I:
- have been with the same man for a couple of years
- am nearly 28 years old and therefore the "right" age
- am of "child bearing" years
- am a woman
does not mean that I am getting married any time soon!!!!!
Why is it that if you are a woman above the age of 23 that you should immediately be asked if you're getting married soon? I roll my eyes at everyone who asks me that and I don't care if I'm rude. It's none of THEIR business! I am tired of being asked why I'm "holding out" or what's taking him so long to "seal the deal." I am not "holding out". It sounds like I'm waiting for a better offer from Colin, like a bigger ring or a house or something. AND there is no "deal to seal." I am not a bloody contract! This is not 1845.
I am told that being married makes you happy and content. I'm sorry but most of the married people I know don't seem happy and/or content. I just heard a story today where a woman was saying that she had to take care of her husband because he got drunk and stoned at a friend's house and he had no idea how to smoke dope so he was more screwed up than normal. She seemed to find this funny because she treated him like a piece of junk cuz he was being an idiot. Yeah, sounds like fun. I guess that's the for worse part of the "for better or worse" part of the vows.
All I hear is how the "wife was annoyed" or the husband "was a jerk." Married couples almost always seem irritated with each other to me. No thanks. I can be irritated with Colin without us being married. And if I get too irritated, I can go home. To my place. By myself. Where no one can irritate me.
Then there's the "when are you having kids" question. Excuse me?! Personal much? Why would I want needy, whiney, selfish little people under foot when I can have disposable income? Call me Alex P. Keaton but I'd rather have the money. And don't give me that crap about having children is the most wonderful, life-fulling thing there is. Life fullfilling is not the same thing for every person. I have seen many childless-by-choice couples and they seem happier than the child having couples. Personally, I think all those "you should have kids" people should be thrilled that I'm not eager to bring more children into this messed up world. It means fewer people to fight over limited resources.
Stay tuned for my next rave: Why Being Unmarried and Childless Rocks!
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