So, I'm 28 Today....

...and it's been a great start on my 28th year. My parents came by yesterday to drop off gifts to me. A gift certificate to my favorite restaurant in Saint John (Lemongrass) and a gift certificate to Rikki's. I can always use more clothes. :)
This morning also started off well. I woke up refreshed and at a decent hour. Not that horrible 5:30 business I've been doing lately. Got out the door early so I would have enough time to stop by Java Moose and get a hot chocolate. Once I get there, I find freshly baked blueberry muffins (they only have blueberry once a week so this is a special treat). So I happily head to work with my sugar rush in my hand.
Then Colin emails me to say we should go to dinner tonight instead of this coming Friday as we originally planned. And we're going to Lemongrass. This is good because it means I won't have to cook. So we have dinner and then head back to his place so he can give me my gift. It's wrapped in green tissue paper in a Christmas bag (he is a boy after all).
If you remember a post from a month ago about my computer problems you'll understand my first gift. It's this kickass surge protector that guarantees to protect my pc from any type of power surge. If any surge gets by this puppy and fries my beleaguered pc, the company will replace my pc. Lifetime guarantee. So very wicked. I'm tired of spending money on my pc because of power interruptions. Very practical and very necessary in my world. My second gift is more geeky. A 2GB USB drive. The one I have now is 256MB (also received from Colin) which hold enough for working purposes but doesn't help me ferry my larger files around.
All in all, a good birthday. I wonder what will happen in the next year....
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